Everything you need to know and a bit more

Yoga de-mystified

I'm not flexible enough to do yoga
Yoga is not about how flexible you are, it’s about stretching your body and spine to improve your strength which, ultimately – will help you become flexible.
Yoga is too hard
Yoga is about doing what is right for you, and we encourage everyone to do what they can. We encourage you to approach each posture with a conscious effort to do your best, step by step, the right way.

For some, doing your best means trying harder, getting up and trying again, not giving up. For others, it means slowing down, relaxing, taking it easy, learning to breathe. Over time, you’ll come to think of your yoga class as a moving meditation, with breathing and concentration to support sustainable physical effort.

I’m not good at ‘quieting my mind’
Welcome to the 21st century! With all the demands on our daily lives, stilling the mind is one of the biggest challenges people face, yoga can be a fantastic tool to help you achieve this.

All the styles of yoga that we teach are based on the principles of Hatha Yoga. Hatha simply refers to the practice of physical yoga postures. The word “Hatha” can be translated two ways: as “willful” or “forceful,” or the yoga of activity, and as “sun” (ha) and “moon” (tha), the yoga of balance. Hatha practices are designed to align and calm your body, mind, and spirit in preparation for stillness and meditation.

Yoga isn’t challenging enough for me
Yoga is a journey of self-discovery, and even the most experienced practitioners are able to challenge themselves. Our teachers are there to help every individual on their own journey, so we encourage you to make a time to share and talk about your needs.
I’m not good at taking instructions
We’re practiced in the art of patience, and our teachers are skilled at guiding everyone from beginners to experts. Rather than doing “hands-on adjustment”, we’ve found that people are more able to receive instruction via our verbal cues and put it into practice as they are guided through the sequence. Practicing actively, with conscious intentional effort, improves mental and physical awareness, and deepens self-realization over time.
Only women do yoga
Over a quarter of the students who come to Yoga for the People are men. All the styles of yoga that we teach are based on Hatha yoga principles, which simply means the practice of physical yoga postures. Combine these postures with the heat, and trust us – it will give you a challenging workout both physically and mentally, which we know you guys will love!
Yoga is a religion
Yoga is an ancient practice of breath, movement and stillness. There is no religious connotation attached to any of our classes, so no “Chanting” and no “OMs”, just a simple Namaste at the end of each class.
I’m too old, I’m too young, I’m too.....
All the classes at Yoga for the People are accessible and safe for everybody – from absolute beginners with no yoga experience to the most advanced practitioners. There is no restriction on age, fitness, or ability, all our yoga classes are designed to bring back natural range of motion to bodies.
I’m not healthy enough right now
All the styles of yoga that we teach are based on the principles of Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga, in current times, is mainly practiced for health and vitality. It‘s a marvellous means of exercising, stretching, and freeing the body so it can be a healthy, long-lived, and vital instrument of the mind and soul. In addition, practitioners of Hatha Yoga can become extremely clear-minded and can concentrate well.

Furthermore, Bikram Yoga in particular has numerous proven health benefits, with studies showing it to be beneficial to people who suffer from depression, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, insomnia, high/low blood pressure, thyroid and weight issues.

Our Wellington yoga studio welcomes people of all ages and backgrounds.
Try out our classes to learn more about the art of yoga

"I love the heat! It relaxes me right through to my bones. With the yoga stretching and the focus on breathing all the tension melts away - there’s nothing like it."

Paddy Plunket

"The yoga has really helped me with my strength and flexibility … and mentally I feel sooo relaxed when I come out of class."

Ruckus O’Rourke

"I enjoy the physical and psychological benefits of the practice and feel great after class. Yoga helps me see things in perspective - that everything is impermanent and will pass."

Fiona Alexander

"I wanted to give up and go out of the room during my first class, but then I looked around and saw different kinds of people, young, old, men and women.. I realised then, that I could do it. Maybe not today, tomorrow, but soon!"

Nance Demecillo

"Yoga is part of managing my weight, sleep and stress. It is definitely part of the routine of life that scaffolds my mental health and helps me to accept the changes in my body as I age."

Penny Wyatt

Things to know before your first class

No mat? No problem. We have yoga mats in our Wellington yoga studio.
Our yoga studio in Wellington is a safe and welcoming space for all.
How the Starter Pack Works

The Starter pack gives you unlimited classes for 10 days in a row. This starts on the day you come to your first class (not on the date you buy it).  Once you have completed your 10 days, we have a range of options to suit everyone’s budget. Click here to see our prices.

Practicing in the heat
All of our classes are practiced in a heated room. The heat warms and relaxes the body to facilitate safe and deep, therapeutic movement. Heat takes the trauma out of stretching, and helps to heal and prevent injuries. What’s more, heat helps develop concentration and good breathing practice while also promoting sweating which helps flush toxins from your body, giving you a wonderful glow from head to toe. It’s important to always stay calm, minimise your movements and concentrate on your breath when practicing in the heat.
What to wear
It’s best to wear clothing that fits close to your skin and dress as lightly as possible. Avoid loose fitting clothes, as it is difficult to move when you get hot. For women either leggings or shorts with a sports bra and a fitted top works best and most men who practice at the studio generally just wear shorts.
What to bring
For class, you will need your yoga outfit, a mat, a towel, and a water bottle. You’ll need a fresh towel for showering after class. We do not sell bottled water, but you can fill your water bottle at our chilled and filtered fountain. We have mats and towels for hire, so don’t worry if you don’t have one.
What to eat & drink before class
You should come to class on an empty stomach. Try not to have food for two hours before class. You can drink juice or eat fruit up to one hour before class. Come hydrated, and ideally two or three hours after your last meal. Drink water throughout the day for good hydration.
Arriving for your first class
The Studio opens 30 minutes before class. You do not need to book, simply come as early as you can (particularly if it is your first class) so that you have enough time to sign up, change and settle your mind before class.
Where to park

There is 90 minutes free parking outside the Studio. To pay for extra time you can pay at the machine in the carpark or use the Urban Parking App. Please note that if you are in the carpark before 8am or after 9pm you need to input the code YOGA2024 to the machine or app to ensure you get the 90 minutes free. Alternatively you can park on the road nearby and use PayMyPark to pay.

Changing rooms
We have separate male and female changing rooms with showers, storage space, and hairdryers. We also have a disabled shower room. The Studio is locked during class so you can leave all your belongings in the changing room.
Injury/illness, pregnancy
Please let the teacher know if you have had surgery, or have any injuries, illness, or special conditions. You can still do most yoga postures, with a few modifications that the teacher will show you. If you are pregnant, we do not recommend you practice Bikram Yoga in your first trimester, our other class styles are generally ok, but it’s always good to speak to our teachers before hand.

Are you ready?